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Goddess Creations

Achievement - Courage - Exuberance (ACE)

COURAGE Courage  School of Courage Courage COURAGE

I am on the right stage, with the right audience, out in the world, creating powerful shifts











Go Viral as a Speaker

  1. Have 7 speaking engagements a month

    • Create beautiful content to elevate, inspire and ignite brilliance in my audience

    • Costume design beautiful content to elevate, inspire and ignite brilliance in my audience

    • Outreach and write proposals to 6 organisations a month

    • Meditation practices with Saraswati and spiritual guides

  2. ​I'm All Courage School

    • Learn Thinkific​

    • Create two courses

  3. ​I'm All Courage Social Enterprise ​

    • Meet with Andrew from Purple ​

    • Register it

    • Find % vs pro bono 

    • Find Bandaid Org vs Advocacy Group

    • Continue to learn about the current gabs in policy 

  4. Make $45,000 a month​

    • Opportunities present themselves to me 

    • ​I am giving them the opportunity to invest their resources in mine

  5. Be featured on Speakers Office 

  6. Speak and have beautiful impact on 20.000 people 

  7. Women of the Year Award

    • Apply/Get nominated

  8. Women and people of all genders are empowered, and doing the work 

    • Pro bono engagements 

    • Funds through my profits

  9. Make my family proud

  10. Pay a professional to brand mom's Bridal Boutique to sell across the world

  11. Wake up to mountains and water views

  12. Travel the world to speak <3

  13. A positive impact on Gender Equality

     - I want to share my voice and help people to heal and tap into their significance.   

     - I want to answer my calling, go on the right stage, with the right audiance, creating powerful shifts






Publish My Best-Selling Book â€‹â€‹

  1. A sense of fulfilment of achieving this goal that I've had in a long long time!

    • Develop rituals to ​writing the book

    • Meditate and grow my relationship to â€‹the Creativity Goddess, to Saraswati. 

    • Create and follow my word count goals

    • Accountability to my mastermind and followers - aka talk about my progress

  2. Reach, move and empower millions of readers​

  3. Increase my reach as a speaker

  4. Have dinner with Opera, and Coffee with Bill gates to talk about my book

  5. "Best selling Author" title to follow my name

    • Sell ​9,000 copies in the first week 

    • Search Self publishing VS traditional publishing​

    • Start talking about my book to potential readers now

  6. Heal and learn a lot in the process 

  7. Earn credibility and external validation 

  8. Pave the path for my future books

  9. Make $500,000 in 2021

    • Sell 108.000 copies

    • Book price $34.5

  10. A positive impact on Gender Equality




A Beauty & A Beast

  1. Have strong defined core
    • Gym 4 times a week​

  2. Glorious Glutes

  3. Clear mind

    • Yoga​

    • No refined sogar

  4. Better sex
  5. Beat up boys ;)
  6. Even more confidence
  7. Healthy and strong
    • delicious nourishing food​
    • Green smoothies
    • learn how to cook for my body
    • See a naturalpath 
  8. Heal my body
    • Love, care and light to my teeth ​
    • Love, care and light to my right knee
  9. Glowing radiant Skin​
  10. Inspire others ~ discipline baby!




Manifesting; My Tribe, my Collective Mindset Community

  1. Have a senes of home, power and belonging 
  2. Sister Goddesses circle
  3. My Shiva, my Obama, create the worlds together <3
  4. Have the support and guidance from my teachers, mentors, and spirit guides

  5. Remember to access the knowledge within












Quarter Goals:

1. Write 60833 words for my book

2. Create content for my speaking engagements

3. Re-pattern and Integrate:

  • Morning routine (Rise and Shine 4:30am - water & lemons - Sit with Saraswati)

  • Marketing, proposals and outreach

  • Video content creation, a setting & a background

  • Meal plan, cook and nourish your soul <3

  • Prep a gym "bag"+ gym training 



Weekly Rituals

168 hours a week breakdown: January-April



Creations of the Goddess: 44

  •  Creating content: 30 hours

    • For talks

    • For workshops

    • For blogs

    • For followers

    • For the 7 weeks module

  • Writing my book: 6 hours

  • Marketing, proposals and outreach 5 hours (Pick one day, hammer down focus on it) Mondays.

  • Facilitating workshops, speaking : 3 hours


Personal Growth 25

  • ​VITA: Self-Transformation Process 18 hours

  • Read 5 hours 

  • Knowledge Business/Thrive: 2 hours


Building Capacity & Selfcare: 60 hours

  • Yoga & Meditation with Saraswati: 2.30hours

  • Jade Egg Practice: 30 minutes  

  • Gym: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday after class): 6 hours

  • Cook: 5 hours (Meal plan and prep - 1 hours smoothies - 4 hour cooking)

  • Sleep: 50 hours

  • Morning Routine ~ Evening routine 


Social Life & Relationships: 18

Family, friends and love: 15

Mentors and teachers: 3


Fun, Pleasure, Play and JOY: 7

 * Dancing 4 hours

 * Camping & adventure outside: 3 hours

 * Special Projects: Paint and photography 3 hours


Responsibilities: 10

 * Teach yoga: 7 hours

 * JCI Kelowna: 3 hours * Admin work (visa, invoices, elect & phone bill, register my business, file taxes, connect with lil helpers): 1 hour


Junk time: 2 hours



Quarter Gaols Road Map ~

Go Viral as a Speaker:

  • Apply to 6 organisations a month

  • Create beautiful content to elevate, inspire and ignite brilliance in my audience

  • Meditation practices with Saraswati and spiritual guides​

  • Get familiar with Vlog

  • Create a 7 weeks program

  • Build your 5000 followers

  • Website updates and SEOs

  • Meet with Andrew from Purple about ​​I'm All Courage social enterprise​

  • Give people and organisations the opportunity to invest their resources in mine


Publish My Best-Selling Book â€‹â€‹

  • Write 60833 words

  • ​Meditate and grow my relationship to â€‹the Creativity Goddess, to Saraswati. 

  • Develop rituals to ​writing the book

  • Create and follow my word count goals

  • Accountability to my mastermind and followers - aka talk about my progress

  • Heal and learn a lot in the process 

  • Start talking about my book to potential readers now


A Beauty & A Beast

  • Gym 3 times a week​

  • Yoga & meditation

  • No refined sogar or alcohol

  • See a naturopath​

  • Learn to create meal plans

  • Meal prep delicious nourishing food​

  • Package smoothies just like Oranj and Freshi

  • ​See a naturopath

  • Love, care and light to my teeth ​~​

  • Heal my physical, mental and emotional body




Get off your booty:

Meet with Andrew form Purple - Apply to my Visa - Start my PR process -  fill JCI committees - provide value HER International - Make a video! - File my business taxes - KBB - Align & Thrive

Daily life:

VITA Couching - Read - teach yoga - New Moons  and Sisterhood Circles - Money comes easily and frequently - Live in my zone of genius - Dance

January: Cleansing and decluttering the house, Jade Egg practices to cleanse my body, Kitchen closes at 7

February: Meal plan and cook, pack smoothies, my beautiful teeth!, launch my online course

March: Speak speak speak ~


Actual sparkles!!! - Heal <3 - Dancing - Ski - GLOW you radiant exuberant you!













Quarter Goals:

1. Write 22000 words for my book, edit

2. Costume design beautiful content for my speaking engagements

3. Hot Bod


Quarter Gaols Road Map ~

Go Viral as a Speaker:​

  • Research: find % vs pro bono, Find Bandaid Org vs Advocacy Groups

  • More women and people of all genders are empowered, and doing the work 

  • Continue to learn about the current gabs and pain points in policy. 

  • Launch my Social Enterprise

  • Make my family proud

  • Travel the world to speak <3

  • Be featured on Speakers Office 

  • Lead a retreat in the summer


Publish My Best-Selling Book â€‹â€‹

  • Write 22000 words

  • Send copies to readers and editors 

  • Search Self publishing VS traditional publishing​

  • Start talking about my book to potential readers now

  • Book cover design


A Beauty & A Beast

  • Gym 3 times a week​

  • Yoga & meditation

  • Love, care and light to my knees

  • Love, care and light to my teeth ​~

  • Radiant Skin​ rituals 

  • Re-use meal plans and meal preps 

  • Create new plans in South America​

  • Heal my physical, mental and emotional body


Major events:

May: Travel in south America - Goddess Retreat in Costa Rica 

July: - Music Festivals 
August: Wanderlust Festival 


Daily Life: 

Sit by the lake and read books!!! ADVENTURE! Sports! Camping, hiking, - Travel and explore: Banff YOGA FESTIVAL  Read <3, write, speak, Knowledge Business Blueprint lectures, teach yoga, train that hot bod, live love and laugh!










Quarter Goals:

1. Edit and publish my book

2. Costume design beautiful content for my speaking engagements



Go Viral as a Speaker:

  • Wake up to mountains and water views

  • Speak and have beautiful impact on 20.000 people 

  • Pay a professional to brand mom's Bridal Boutique to sell across the world

  • Lead a retreat for Goals Setting and planning



Publish My Best-Selling Book â€‹â€‹

  • Sell 9000 copies in the first week

  • Increase my reach as a speaker

  • Have dinner with Opera, and Coffee with Bill gates to talk about my book


A Beauty & A Beast

  • Gym 3 times a week​

  • Yoga & meditation

  • Radiant Skin​ rituals 

  • Re-use meal plans and meal preps 

  • Heal my physical, mental and emotional body


Something New:
Major events:  Ma birthday - Major in VITA - 



Daily Life:




Beautiful 2020  _known_ Events:

✩ Creativity : Speak - Write - Dance - Paint

✩ VITA Couching

✩ Travel in South America + write my book <3

✩ Yoga: Teach - Practice - Learn


My weekly Zone of Genius:

* Goddess Creations

  • Write my book

  • Blog and Vlog  (bi-weekly?)

  • Create content (talks, workshops, course)


* Learn and Practice:

  • VITA - Read

  • Knowledge Business 

  • Align and Thrive



Lil goals ~

Money comes easily and frequently =)

Learn about feminism + Activism, Movements and Leadership

Driving lessons -  Getting my N Licence​

wear more gold, silver, and sparkers!

Keep my room organized for 90 days

Drink water <3

Wake up next to him ~

Find a spot, a coffee shop where ideas can have sex - 

Travel, adventure and explore!

Physical Body (expressing my art and desire, healing, dancing, yoga, gym, being expressive)
My emotional body, spiritual body, and mental body. At the official end of long term commitments


Spend Christmas like no other.

... and New Year's awaken



Goddess Creations 

2020 Vision

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Goddess Creations 



Goddess Creations 



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Goddess Creations 



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I respectfully acknowledge that I am an uninvited guest hoping to settle and immigrate to Canada following the laws of the Canadian Government, the same government that has taken those lands without the consent of indigenous people. Currently privileged to be living, playing, learning and working on the unceded, occupied, ancestral and traditional lands of the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg people Nations. 

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