Step into Softness
Values: Achievement - Courage - Exuberance (ACE)
COURAGE Courage School of Courage Courage COURAGE
Right stage, right audience, out in the world, I'm here for big things
Journal with the intention for your book.
Tie loose ends, long living wishes ~Budget + Money comes easily and frequently =)
Learn about feminism + Activism, Movements and Leadership
Weekly Rituals: 168 hours a week breakdown: (revised in May)
Sleep: 50 hours
Friends, family & love: 10 hours
Learning, reading & workshops: 15 hours
Office Hours 20 hours
Special Projects: 15 hours (Paint, write, speak, teach yoga)
Dance: 5 hours
Yoga: 9 hours
Gym: 5 hours
Self-care: 8 hours
Cook: 8 hours (1 hour groceries - 2 hours smoothies - 5 hour cooking)
Sit Still/Beach time: 10 hours
Adventure: 8 hours
Junk time: 2 hours
..... once, or twice - or hammer down focus on it
Brush teeth, & flaws
Major _known_ Events:
✩ Graduation
✩ PGWP and PR Process
✩ Relationship: Heal through love, conversations and intimacy
✩ Yoga: Teach - Practice - Learn
✩ Creativity : Photography project - 7 Chakras paintings - Dance with Femme Fetal - Write - Speak
Lil Goals:
Drink water <3
Find a spot, a coffee shop where ideas can have sex.
Lil projects:
GRATEFUL FOR .........
Make 30 posts about Saudi Arabia
30 days of focussing on making this one particular person happy
Seek Opportunities to Speak
✩ Make a book about favourite memories about someone, Christmas gift
January - February - March - April
Physical Body (expressing my art and desire, healing, dancing, yoga, gym, being expressive)
Dance: Wednesday and Thursday, biweekly Saturdays
Yoga: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Gym: Monday, Wednesday - Spin ~
Something New:
Jan: Driving lessons, Living Things Festival - Crypto w/ Rowan - Kabsa Night
Feb: Victoria Yoga Conference - My Saudi friend -
Major Events:
April: Finishing responsibilities -
March: Public Speaking Competition w/Jaycees? - Memoir Writing Workshop -
Daily life:
Be with him <3 - UBCSUO - Working with Tamara - Network with the intention to speak - Going to Dale's - Women's & New Moons Circles - Spin - Ski - cook - Squats,Crunches&Planks
Healing - Dancing with Femme Fetale
May - June - July - August
My emotional body, spiritual body, and mental body. At the official end of long term commitments
Something New: bike around Stanley Park - Drive in theatre - Mom's visit!
Major events: Completion of all responsibilities - Regroup
May: Femme Fetal Show! MAY10th+11th
June: Graduation! - working and healing with Tamara - Kelowna?
July: Swim Across the Lake - Music Festivals
August: Wanderlust Festival - Getting my N Licence
Daily Life:
Sit by the lake and read books!!! ADVENTURE! Sports! Travel? Camping, hiking, Train to run; run - Travel and explore: Banff, Jasper.. Yellowknife?
September - October - November - December
When Nothing Is Certain, Anything Is Possible.
FUCOS: I'm All Courage - Creation body: Speaking and Couching
Something New: Starting my degree at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
Major events: Ma birthday - Her International elections (elected as a director!!) - JCI Kelowna Elections (elected as Director of External Events!) - Femme Fatale show Dec 6th+7th
Daily Life: Read <3, write, speak, Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality lectures, Knowledge Business Blueprint lectures, teach yoga, train that hot bod, live love and laugh!
Weekly Rituals: 168 hours a week breakdown: (revised in Nov)
Sleep: 50 hours
Creations of the Goddess:
* Creating content: 22 hours
* Writing my book: 3 hours
* Facilitating workshops, speaking : 3 hours
* Tantric Institute: 4 hours
* Knowledge Business: 2 hours
* Read: 5 hours
Social Life & Relationships:
* Family, friends and love: 15
* JCI Kelowna: 2 hours
* Mentors and teachers: 2
Building Capacity:
* Meditation: 2.30hours
* Gym: 5 hours
* Cook: 7 hours (1 hour groceries - 2 hours smoothies - 4 hour cooking)
Fun, Play and JOY:
* Dance: 5 hours
* Adventure outside: 3 hours
* Teach yoga: 6 hours
* JCI Kelowna: 3 hours
* Admin work (my visa - invoices - elect & phone bill): 1 hour
Junk time: 2 hours
Spend Christmas like no other.
... and New Year's awaken